Ask the Placenta Encapsulator

Placenta Encapsulator : Questions to Ask

Ashley Rainey has joined Nurtured Foundation Doula Services as not only a birth & postpartum doula and Childbirth Educator, but also as our placenta encapsulator.  We asked her to tell us some of the most common questions she receives about her placenta encapsulation services.NF-Placenta1What makes you qualified to encapsulate? I completed the Placenta Specialist Training Course through PBi. I am educated on the history of placentophagy and WHY it offers the benefits that it does. I have also completed an OSHA pathogens course and an Ohio Food Handlers certification, so you can be sure that I am handling your placenta properly and safely.Will placenta pills help prevent postpartum depression or the "baby blues"? Studies have proven that symptoms of postpartum depression are linked with a severe lack of nutrients such as vitamin B6, iron and hormones including CRH, all of which are found in high levels in the placenta. Consuming your placenta after birth may very well replace those lost nutrients and prevent or greatly lessen postpartum depression. Although there are no scientific studies backing placenta encapsulation, the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming and all of my clients have reported positive effects from taking their capsules.Are there any potential adverse reactions or side effects?  NF-Placenta-Capsules2Every woman responds differently to ingesting their placenta capsules. If you experience anything like nauseous or too much energy (don't try and be superwoman, you need to take it easy) then you simply need to decrease your dosage.What method do you use for encapsulating? I was trained in and use the Traditional Chinese Method. This method involves steaming the placenta before dehydrating in order to balance the hormones as well decrease the risk of bacterial contamination. I use vegan capsules and never add any additional ingredients to them.What else can be done with my placenta? Some women choose to consume their placenta raw, in smoothies. I can prepare your smoothie into small heart-shaped frozen cubes, either in addition to your capsules or instead of. I can make a placenta print, using food safe color gel to create a one of a kind piece of artwork with the incredible organ that nourished and sustained your baby for nine months. I can also make a cord keepsake for you, by dehydrating your baby's umbilical cord into a heart or other significant shape.Additional information can be found on our Placenta Encapsulation page.

If you have additional questions for Nurtured Foundations's placenta encapsulator or on placenta encapsulation as a whole, please call the office at 216-409-5403.


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