Lactation Online Resources

La Leche LeagueLLL are the forerunners in breastfeeding aid and education. Not only do they have some of the most comprehensive and accurate info, but you can find a local group to or nearby leader to come to the hospital and/or your house for one-on-one help.KellymomNo frills on this site and most easily used when searched via Google (i.e. “Kellymom pumping and work”), but they are very informative, covering just about anything you can think of, in multiple ways, in easy layman’s terms. I have never been let down by this website or its extensive list of sources at the end of every page.Best for Babes FoundationThis amazing Facebook group and web page are really ground-breaking in the promotion of breastfeeding, and always on top of the most current news and studies. No pressure, no judgment, just help.Dr. Jack NewmanHe is one of the most educated doctors on breastfeeding — Dr. Newman’s entire website is full of information and videos on breastfeeding. He’s one of the main go-to-guys for everything breastfeeding.Dispelling Breastfeeding MythsThis Facebook group is dedicated entirely to discussing and debunking rumors about breastfeeding, breast milk, and formula.Dr. SearsIf you’ve ever heard of attachment parenting, you’ve heard of Dr. Sears. But even if you aren’t an attachment parent, his website has a large, easy-to-use list of lots of different breastfeeding concerns with helpful suggestions.Work and PumpFor many, breastfeeding also includes pumping. This website is for any families that pump, not just working families.MOBI Motherhood InternationalMOBI stands for Mothers Overcoming Breastfeeding Issues and is all about getting past struggles with stories of women overcoming their breastfeeding hardships. Inspirational.International Breastfeeding JournalFor research junkies like me, these journals can be fascinating and educating as they cover a wide variety of issues and topics.The LactivistDon’t be turned off by the store-front look — check out the blog on the right-hand side that features reviews of breastfeeding products and delves into discussions about common breastfeeding barriers.World Health Organization (WHO)World leaders in breastfeeding information and standards.Centers for Disease ControlSee their most recent releases and studies about the benefits of breastfeeding.Womenshealth.govThis website by our own federal government has breastfeeding information, as well as lists of government programs to help breastfeeding moms, including phone support on the National Breastfeeding Hotline.Breastfeeding Onlinebook recommendations, experiences and stories from breastfeeding families.The Leaky B@@bSometimes the best advice is from others in the same situation as you and this Facebook group for breastfeeding moms discusses the newest issues breastfeeding moms face.Parts of the breastfeeding email list revised from


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