Placenta Encapsulation - From A Mother's Perspective

A Mother's Take on Placenta Encapsulation 

So you hear the term placenta encapsulation. You dutifully Google it, and learn all of the "who, what, when, where, how, and most importantly, why?" But have you ever wondered what a mother who elects to encapsulate actually thinks about the process and the experience? Nurtured Foundation associate, and seasoned placenta encapsulator, Ashley Rainey recently sat down with placenta encapsulation client, Brittany to learn her thoughts and feelings on the process. Here's what Brittany had to say:

1. Why did you choose to have your placenta encapsulated?

I struggled with milk supply after my first baby, and I didn't want to repeat that with subsequent children. After my second, I had the same energy problems and a touch of PPD. I didn't want to go on medication unless necessary, and sought alternative ways to help- that's when I discovered placenta encapsulation. I was really turned off by the idea at first, but once I read all the information I could find, I realized that it was worth a try. 

2. How would you rate the process of having Ashley obtain your placenta after you delivered?

The process was so easy. I communicated with my nurses and doctors that I wanted to save the placenta. They helped my husband get it in a bucket on ice until we called Ashley to have her come. It was great to see a fresh face after a long labor. She picked it up, but unfortunately we were discharged before she could deliver our goodies. Ashley is amazing, however, and drove to our home to deliver everything to me, (much farther away than the hospital was.) I was so grateful that the process was so easy, because I had just welcomed my sixth baby and I was already feeling overwhelmed.

3. How did the capsules make you feel? Did you experience all of the benefits that you had hoped for?

I was definitely more energized. I know this because when I stopped taking them, I went back to being very tired. (I had decided to save some for the end of the first year when my milk starts to drop).  I definitely believe they helped me get through those first few weeks of having a newborn, and when my coffee got cold I wasn't too worried about not getting the caffeine. 

4. What was your favorite part of the process as a whole?

My favorite part of everything was getting my goodies! I was excited for the capsules, but Ashley also offers some other amazing services and my placenta art is one of my favorite things. I often get compliments about my "watercolor" tree! Everything was so easy and worry free, it's really worthwhile. 

5. What would you tell an expectant mom who is considering encapsulation?

I think many moms will have a "gross factor" like I did, and that might turn them off to encapsulation. For me, it helped to think of the fact that it was in capsules and wouldn't ever actually touch my mouth. That was a huge bonus. It's just like taking another pill and you don't think about it. So don't let gross factor discourage you.

Additional information on Nurtured Foundation's Placenta Encapsulation services in the Cleveland area can be found here, .

Nurtured Foundation Doula Services is a full service doula agency. To learn more about everything we offer, please feel free to contact us here, or call is at 216-409-5403


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