Prenatal Massage and Postpartum Massage: Are They Beneficial?

Prenatal Massage & Postpartum Massage Benefits

First off let me say congratulations on the new addition to your family! This entire journey from pregnancy to welcoming your new bundle of joy is so rewarding and are memories you will have forever. There may however be some days where it doesn’t feel so magical and you’re looking for a little relief from some of the aches, pains and stresses. That’s where prenatal massage comes in. 

Benefits of prenatal massage include:

• Reduces stress and promotes relaxation

• Reduces tension in the neck, back, and hips

• Alleviates stress on weight-bearing joints

• Improves skin elasticity to reduce the appearance of stretch marks and skin tightness

• Promotes relaxation to help with problems sleeping

• Lower stress levels which can possibly lower blood pressure

• Improve circulation to reduce swelling

• Assists in management of digestive complaints

• Encourages deeper, easier breathing

• Enhances self-esteem so Mom can feel beautiful in her changing body

 During the postpartum time, you may be eager to get your body back to the way it felt pre-pregnancy. Thankfully, massage can be a way to speed up that process.  

Benefits of Postpartum Massage:

• Helps to restore the body back to its pre-pregnancy condition

• Aids in relieving the physical and emotional stress of taking care of a newborn

• Reduces muscular tension from breastfeeding and carrying around baby

• Helps restore muscular and connective tissue

• Tone overstretched tissue

• Improve circulation to reduce swelling

• Reduce the effects of hormonal changes and baby blues

When making the decision on whether prenatal or postpartum massage is for you, it is always best to know all the facts and precautions. Prenatal massage should be done after the first trimester of the pregnancy. Also, if you are high risk or there have been any complications, then you should consult your OBGYN before receiving a massage. When receiving both prenatal and postpartum massage, you should always inform your massage therapist of any health concerns such as diabetes, high blood pressure, swelling etc. before getting on the table.

I realize in this busy world that making time for a massage is not easy.  Finding time for any self care can be a challenge.  That’s is why I am now offering prenatal massage and postpartum massage in the the clients home. An in home massage session takes the travel time away and allows for a relaxing and therapeutic massage in the comfort of your own home.  All you need to do is provide a space and relax!

   Jessica Ciacelli is a licensed massage therapist with additional training in prenatal massage.  Jessica offers massage sessions to expectant and postpartum women in the comfort of their own home. In addition to massage, Jessica is an affiliated postpartum doula with Nurtured Foundation Doula Services.  She serves the Cleveland & Akron areas with both services.    

Nurtured Foundation has been serving the Cleveland & Akron areas for over 8 years with full-service doula support. We have highly trained specialists in all aspects of doula related care! If you would like more information on our postpartum night doulas or any of our birth & postpartum services, please contact us for more information.



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