Benefits of Virtual Doula Services

We realize these are trying times. The government's response to the COVID-19 outbreak has caused us to revise the way we offer our services to you. Nurtured Foundation’s virtual doula services are currently the best option for you to receive doula support in the safety and comfort of your own home.

With social distancing being a priority, virtual doula services allow us to still give clients the support, knowledge, and information they desire as they prepare for birth and enter the postpartum period.

Our virtual doula services still allow us to customize how we may serve each client’s unique needs and wants. We provide both virtual birth and virtual postpartum doula options. 

So why go to virtual doula services?

Shall we name the reasons?

Seeing as how we have a bit more time on our hands these days, sure!


Pregnancy, childbirth and bringing baby home can be a time of anxiety for some.Feeling overwhelmed by the unknowns can bring on many emotions and concerns.That’s where Nurtured Foundation’s virtual doula services come in.By having a virtual doula, you will have live access to an educated, experienced, and nonjudgmental expert who can answer your questions and educate you on everything from a birth plan to infant sleep.Now, more than ever, you need to stay connected to people who can help support you.Our on demand expert doula advice allows you this option while sitting in the comfort of your own home.


Many hospitals are not allowing doulas in to help the birthing family.This is leaving the partner as the only support person.And unfortunately, in many cases, hospitals are disallowing even the partner into the labor & delivery area.

Whether you are preparing to birth or just bringing baby home, there are so many things you willwant to know, and need to know.Societal resources are limited right now with social distancing. Having a virtual doula to educate you on what to expect, let you know decisions you will be asked to make, help you form a birth plan and give you comfort measure techniques, will help ease your anxieties for your birth.Our virtual doulas can even offer suggestions and ideas to the partner in order to better support you as you labor.

Newborns don’t come with instructions. Postpartum virtual doula services allow you to receive support, tips and techniques for you and your newborn.Your virtual doula will be able to answer your questions and give you evidence based information.Together, we will help you get to know your newborn and give you support and reassurance along the way. 


The COVID-19 outbreak has us being extra cautious.Virtual doula services allow you to stay home and still receive the support you need.It’s important that pregnant and postpartum families stay home and limit their outside excursions.Having a live Nurtured Foundation virtual doula to chat with at a safe distance is the perfect solution.

Peace of Mind

Virtual doula services offer you peace of mind.You have an expert you can work with who can walk you through whatever your needs are at the time.You know that you will get evidenced based information and unbiased support from an experienced virtual doula in real time. While we do not answer medical questions, we can help you determine when it is an appropriate time to contact your medical professional.Many questions and concerns are common pregnancy and newborn issues and do not require medical advice.Being an expert allows us to distinguish between what’s “normal” and what warrants a call to your provider.


Not everyone needs, wants, or can afford in-person support.Offering virtual services allows us to offer support for just what you need.Many clients just want education and reassurance.Customizable support allows us to maximize our time together, while keeping the cost affordable. We address what you want and come up with a plan you can implement confidently.

Expert Support

You will still receive Nurtured Foundation’s expert support from your virtual doula service.Not only do we have years of experience and education, we also have a large network of resources within the birth community at our finger tips.Providing evidence based, up to date and non-judgmental support is what you can expect for our virtual doula support services.

Postpartum & Newborn Virtual Support

If you have questions on postpartum care for mom and newborn care, we are here to help.Our virtual consultation package offer support with:

  • Feeding Support- breastfeeding & formula feeding

  • Creating a healthy sleep environment

  • Helping you instill healthy sleep habits and nighttime routines

  • Creating a customized flexible sleep schedule that is age appropriate

  • Providing recommendations for trusted local resources

  • How to bathe baby & other infant hygiene

  • Childcare planning and resources

  • Setting up the nursery and the basics you will need

  • Newborn Safety including safe sleep recommendations and devices

  • Troubleshooting issues that your baby may throw at you

  • Milestones

  • Ways to track the basics of diapers & feeds

  • Pumping basics and back-to-work setup

  • And more…

  • Also included is our Sleep Guide for 0-4 Months(pdf)

Birth Doula Virtual Support

With the ever changing hospital policies during the COVID-19 outbreak, it is unknown as to when and if birth doulas (or even partners in some cases) will be allowed back into the hospitals to support birthing families.We truly feel, now more than ever, that families need to feel supported by an expert with their preparations for childbirth.Our virtual doula services include:

  • A professional and knowledgable virtual birth doula and back up.

  • Phone and email support during business hours from 9-5p from contract signing to birth.

  • A virtual doula who is on-call 24/7 for your birth (virtually) from the moment you sign your contract.

  • (3-4 based on preference) prenatal virtual/phone visits with your virtual doula so you can get to know your doula, discuss your birth preferences, address any questions and/or concerns and thoroughly prepare you for your birth.

  • A customized birth plan made with your birth doula.

  • Continuous virtual labor support from the start of active labor until you are settled in and holding your new baby. There is never a limit of hours of support, nor extra fees for a longer labor.

  • Emotional support during labor to increase comfort and suggestions for optimal positioning.

  • A birth doula who offers guidance and support for your partner to help them best support you during labor. We wish for them to have a happy, positive experience too!

  • A postpartum virtual visit, if requested, to see how you are adjusting in the postpartum period and answer any questions you may have in regards to baby and postpartum healing.

  • Virtual doulas who have regular continuing education.

  • Professionally trained birth doulas who work as a team with your birth professionals!

As birth doulas, postpartum doulas, and newborn care specialists, Nurtured Foundation remains passionate about supporting our families in their pregnancies and in the postpartum time.Our preference will always be to meet face-to-face and be by your side as you navigate the joys and challenges of birth and new parenthood. Due to these trying times, we continue to offer the support you need from a safe distance. We also know these are hard financial times for many and hoping the lower fees will make support more attainable. This is why offering virtual doula services are now more important than ever. Please let us know if we can assist you with our virtual doula services.

In addition to virtual doula services, we are also offering virtual lactation support, virtual sleep consulting, virtual childbirth education and virtual nutritional services.  More information can be found here.


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