Why Use Virtual Nutritional Services?

How are you? Really? If you’re here, you’re likely a momma and feeling just as overwhelmed, helpless, and isolated as I am! Just knowing our pediatrician’s office isn’t seeing patients spike my anxiety and all the “what ifs?” that come along with raising kiddos. What if she gets a cold? What if he gets an ear infection? What if she cuts her head? What if he won’t stop throwing up? We’re busy trying to prevent a big germ from hurting any more of us, but somehow we have to still keep getting through the normal troubles of each day along the way. I get it! It feels so unfair and surreal that there can be this major, scary, threatening thing going on in the world, and yet questions like how to start solids and whether the baby is getting sufficient nutrition, how to nourish the baby growing inside you...these things don’t stop just because the world feels like it has.

I can’t “fix” your child’s earache, cold, or stomach bug. I also can’t help with Common Core Math. But, I CAN help with some of the other very valid, very important daily questions you might be facing. What if she has a food reaction? What if I can’t keep any food down this first trimester? What if he won’t eat anything I’m making? What if my milk supply is low? All things nutrition? I’ve got you! And just because I can’t meet you at a lovely coffee shop or join you at your home, doesn’t at all mean I can’t still be a part of your village.

We are lucky to live in a time where Virtual Services are not only available but plentiful. Here at Nurtured Foundation, our goal is to support you no matter where we all are. Virtual Services are an amazing opportunity to still get the support you need, even through this trying, uncertain, and isolating time.

What are Virtual Services?

Virtual services allow me to work with you from the comfort of my own home while you’re in the comfort of yours. Via video or phone, our Virtual Services allow you to get the guidance you need without even leaving your bed (if you don’t want to!). With Virtual Services, you still get to talk, live, to a real, registered functional nutritionist. I will assess your history, nutrition, needs, and more and help craft a plan to support you in whatever the situation might be.

What are the Benefits of Virtual Services?

With Virtual Services, you don’t have to leave your home. Virtual Services also mean less worry about finding a time to schedule, as we don’t have to factor in time to drive anywhere. You also don’t need to find a sitter! Schedule your Virtual Services while baby is napping or the kids are watching Frozen 2 (for the millionth time). And, while pajamas tend to be a no-go if you go for an in-office consult, they are both welcomed and encouraged for any Virtual Services with me (assuming you won’t judge me for being in mine!)! Finally, Virtual Services mean no added worries about outside germs; you get the outside assistance you need, without any danger of the actual outside world!

What can We do During our Virtual Service Appointment?

Basically anything we’d do in person, we can do in our Virtual Service Appointment! Anything from healthy eating and meal planning, to picky eating and starting solids, whether in person or virtual, I focus on taking a thorough and complete assessment and history so I can best craft a tailored plan to meet your needs and goals. Some topics you might want assistance with that we could work on during a Virtual Service Appointment include:

Diet Questions

Is it safe to eat “x” when pregnant? Can my 2-year-old have “y”?

Meal ideas

I never make this many meals at home! What do I make?

Starting Solids

We were supposed to discuss this with our pediatrician, but now our appointment is canceled! Should we wait to start? What do we do?!

Healthy Pregnancy

Help! I’m newly pregnant and need to make sure I’m supporting this baby, especially now!     Or...

I have pre-e/gestational diabetes/inadequate or excessive weight gain; what can I do to keep me and the baby as healthy as possible?


Is baby getting enough?! How do I know if I’m making enough milk? How can I make more milk?!

Immune boosting

Are we eating the right things to keep my family as healthy as we can?

Picky Eating

The kids won’t eat anything I make! How do I get my 3-year-old to touch something green?

Limited Supplies

Help! The store was out of all-the-things; what do I feed my family?!

Growth Concerns

Is my kiddo eating enough? Growing ok? Should I be doing something?!

In other words, if we could talk about it in person, we can talk about it via Virtual Services!  So, if you’re in need of some support in this likely stressful and definitely confusing time, know that Nutrition Virtual Services are available to help ease your mind and take whatever we can off your plate. Additional information on our Nutritional Services can be found here.



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